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What do your employees say when someone asks them about your company? Do they know your business well? Are they brand advocates? These important questions are addressed by internal marketing.

Often overlooked, internal marketing is a continual process that shapes employee involvement, understanding, pride, and behavior. It’s more than “getting everyone on the same page” and “in the same direction." Indeed, internalizing your brand can empower your employees to be brand ambassadors.

Here are three quick ways to get started with internal marketing:

  1. Give your employees the information they need to confidently talk about your brand by providing scripting or an “elevator speech." The goal is not for them to memorize it, but to internalize it so they can talk knowledgeably about your brand.

  2. Keep your employees informed. Distribute copies of ads, sell sheets, brochures, and other materials on the day they are released to the public.

  3. Promote social network marketing. Provide ways employees can affiliate with your company online. Encourage them to list your company name and Web site on their own social networking sites and become a fan of your organization on Facebook.

For more information email us greatideas@creativecommunication.com
